
Action for community and development network (ACDN) provides settlement services in Canada and fundraising for refugees who are in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Pakistan, with a special focus on women, their families, refugees and people who have experienced war and persecution.

The ACDN has welcomed newcomers from around the world in Canada, including Central Asia, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa, assisting them in the first stages of their settlement process. These first steps taken by newcomers, finding a home, work, learning English, and finding out about Canada’s legal system and health care are all crucial to ensuring that each newcomer has a foundation for building a healthy life in Canada.

Our staff and volunteers go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that isolated women and seniors are able to participate in programming, including English classes and events in the community. All members of the newcomer community must feel included and welcome. Our programming helps newcomers learn about the Canadian systems and laws, safety and includes supervised field trips and recreational activities.

Our work relies on donations, so our supporters and community fundraisers play a vital role in helping deliver relief that means refugees can rebuild their lives after fleeing conflict.

Recent Afghan refugees play vital role in welcoming 296 newcomers to Toronto

When Afghan refugee family first arrived in Canada in January 2021, they are instantly welcomed outside the airplane by someone speaking her language of Dari and Pashto.

The greeting put the nerves at ease, such that she wanted to pass on the experience. Earlier this month she did just that, heading to the Toronto International Airport among a group of 10 Afghan refugees who volunteered to welcome 150 more newcomers from their country.

Mirza Mohammad Hussaini. The EO of Action for Community & Development Network (ACDN), said the 10 volunteers jumped at the opportunity to welcome more newcomers from Afghanistan.

So, when this opportunity presented itself we had so many people jump and say, ‘Yes, we want to help welcome the next group. ACDN working to help a few Afghan families settle in the area. Most are special immigrant visa holders whose applications were already in progress when they evacuated Afghanistan and were able to be processed faster than the bulk of refugees.

ACDN Staffs are preparing for a unique influx of refugees to begin arriving in the next few months that will require communities to mobilize and provide support.